What to do when you have exceeded the allowed space of emails or of the total web space granted by the hosting plan purchased

When you find yourself unable to receive emails or an error containing the word "exceeded" is generated, you have exceeded the space limit for emails.

There are now 2 solutions to overcome this problem:

  1. Upgrade your web space: https://www.4host.ch/clienti/knowledgebase/22/Come-incrementare-or-retrocedere-il-servizio-di-hosting-upgradeordowngrade.html?language=english
  2. delete older emails or following other criteria by accessing the cPanel> email section> Email Disk Usage> Manage

NB: If you opt for the first solution, we would like to remind you that if not paid through Paypal, by credit card or any other method accepted by Paypal, the upgrade will take 2/3 days if, for example, you choose to pay by bank / postal transfer. . We recommend that you pay by credit card if you want the activation to be immediate!

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